Body Positivity Myths to Stop Believing

Body positivity has gained popularity in mainstream media over recent years.

While this is a positive step towards body acceptance, the popular media has created a LOT of body positivity myths.

And, if you aren’t aware of these myths, they can hold you back in your efforts to embrace your body.

So, in this post, I’m sharing 3 popular body positivity myths.

Specifically, I’ll be sharing:

  • What body positivity REALLY means, and what it takes to be body positive.
  • How these body positivity myths set you up for disappointment.
  • How to recognise when body positivity is misused to promote diet and beauty culture.

Watch or read below:

Over the years I’ve been doing body image work, I’ve come across lots of terms to describe how you feel about your body. Terms like body confidence, body image, body positivity, body acceptance and body neutrality!

With so many terms often used interchangeably (and I’m guilty of that too!), it can lead to confusion and misinterpretation.

One term that is often misunderstood is body positivity. And, since body positivity has gained popularity in mainstream media, so the myths have sprung up about what it means to be body positive.

Unfortunately, these myths can derail your efforts to feel more comfortable in your body if you remain uninformed.

So, I want to lift the lid on these myths so that you’re not putting unnecessary expectations or pressure on yourself!

Myth #1: Body positivity means you love your body

If you have bought into this myth, I totally get it. It’s really not that surprising!

Images of body positivity in popular media would have you believe it’s all about proudly showing off your curves and loving it.

BUT the core belief at the heart of body positivity is that ALL bodies are valuable and worthy. You don’t have to love your body or show it off.

Body positivity is rooted in feminism and fat acceptance.

If you are truly body positive, you’re not spending much of your time or energy thinking about your body. In fact, you probably don’t think about it all that much! Instead, you’re getting on with the things that matter most to you.

Myth #2: Body positivity means you feel great all the time

Like anyone else, you’ll have days where you feel good, and days where you don’t. You’re human, so that’s completely normal.

Putting pressure on yourself to feel great about yourself and your body all the time is unrealistic. Doing so will only lead to disappointment and beating yourself up for NOT feeling great.

The truth is that you’re human. The way you feel about your body will fluctuate. There is no such thing as nailing body positivity for good.

Myth #3: Self-care is about pampering yourself and making sure you look good

Let’s be clear, being body positive does not mean taking care of your appearance.

Self-care is anything that nourishes your mind, body, and soul, and this can mean different things to different people.

The truth is that sometimes self-care will be difficult – like when it means taking action that will help your mental well-being, like talking about your feelings.

Self-care might mean meditating, journaling, talking to a coach or therapist or taking a walk-in nature to reconnect with something greater than yourself.

Body positivity doesn’t mean looking good.

Unfortunately, body positivity is misappropriated by the diet and beauty industries to put a more positive spin on their insecurity led marketing tactics. Any diet or beauty product claiming that it will make you more body positive has missed the point!

Body positivity has, and always will mean an acceptance of ALL bodies as they are.

I’d love to know if you’ve fallen for any of these body positivity myths. Please leave a comment below.

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