Protecting your body confidence in a store changing room

How do you feel about trying on clothes in store changing rooms?

For many women, clothes shopping is a source of shame and disappointment.

Yet trying on clothes doesn’t have to feel this way.

In this post, I’m sharing four things to keep your body confidence intact when trying on clothes.

Watch or read below:

Trying on clothes in a store changing room – an emotional experience

How many times have you walked out of a changing room feeling deflated, ashamed or humiliated?

Emotionally, many women find trying on clothes harrowing, blaming their bodies when something doesn’t fit, or they don’t think the style of a garment is flattering.

And because many women find being in a changing room difficult, only 25% of them buy the clothes they take into them, compared to 65% of men.

Boosting your body confidence in a store changing room

So when you need to buy clothes, how can you ensure the experience doesn’t dent your body confidence when you try things on?

Well, I’ve got four things for you focus on when trying on clothes:

Firstly, focus on the fit, not the garment size

Ignore the numbers – don’t use them as a benchmark to judge yourself against. Sizing is inconsistent between retailers, so it’s likely your size will differ by retailer.

Instead, focus on how the garment fits, particularly its comfort. Do you have enough room to comfortably move?

Wearing clothes that cause physical discomfort can worsen body image.  Consider how the material feels against your skin. I personally hate clothes that make me feel itchy!

Secondly, if something doesn’t fit, blame the clothes, not you

If something doesn’t fit or you don’t like the look of it, direct any negativity at the garment not at you.

Laugh at how ridiculous the item or the sizing is. Women come in all different shapes and sizes, so you can’t expect every item you select to be right for you.

Thirdly, ignore the mirrors and lighting

Changing room lighting is notoriously harsh so don’t take any notice of what you see under the glare of a hideous fluorescent light.

Plus, the mirrors often allow you to see yourself at angles you aren’t accustomed to. If you start criticising your body when seen from a new perspective, remember it’s your unfamiliarity with the view that’s the issue.

I don’t know of a single woman who has ever liked looking at herself in a changing room mirror, so try to laugh it off.

Trust your judgement, not that of the shop assistant

Don’t let a pushy shop assistant tell you what you should or should not wear. Trust your instincts – only wear what feels comfortable and makes you feel good.

Remember that if a garment doesn’t meet those criteria, the clothing is the problem, not you!

Clothes shopping doesn’t have to be shame inducing, so give these four things a try the next time you try something on.

I’d love to hear about your experience of clothes shopping. Do you find it difficult? How have these strategies helped? Leave me a comment below.

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