For you if...

  • You’re fed up with your weight, shape or appearance dictating your worth.
  • Negative thinking about your body is taking up too much of your time, energy and head space.
  • The way you feel about your body is taking its toll on your relationships, career or social life.
  • You want to accept your body, but you just don’t know how.

On completion of the challenge you'll have...

  • Greater clarity about the blocks to your body confidence, and how to clear them.
  • A vision of what life looks like as your body confident self.
  • The key elements you need to amp up your body confidence.
  • An action plan for dealing with a ‘bad body day’.
  • A motivational method to track your progress.
  • Pride in how far you’ve come in just 5 days!


  • Instructions for each day of the challenge sent direct to your in-box (for 5 days).
  • A daily training video and worksheet to complete in your own time.
  • Access to me via email to answer your questions and cheer on your progress.

Thank you for the five day body confidence challenge. It made me think kinder and gentler thoughts about myself and also focus on reasons for being grateful in life.

Alison, USA

Ready to amp up your body confidence?

About Judi Craddock

Judi is a coach specialising in women’s body image, helping her clients stop chasing the perfect body and accept the one they’re in.

It’s Judi’s mission to help as many women as possible kick the body hate habit and start living the life they truly desire.

Find out more about me
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