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E-course: Detox from Diet Culture

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Diet culture encourages you to shrink your body, promising you'll be happier, healthier and more successful if you do.

And while it's easy to get swept up in this promise, the reality is very different.

While diets make billions of dollars for the diet industry, the people on them end up feeling miserable and disillusioned.

So, if you're fed up with diet culture and its false promises, this training session will explore a refreshing alternative to feeling comfortable and confident in your body.

This session is for you if:

  • You're fed-up with dieting or trying to change your body to feel better about yourself.
  • You're sick of body worries taking up too much of your time, energy and head space.
  • You want to detach your worth from your weigh or dress size, stop holding yourself back, and get on with fully living your life.
  • You're open to exploring a different way to feel better in your body.

In this session, you'll learn:

  • The truth about why diets don't work and make you miserable!
  • What will help you feel better than any diet can.
  • 2 key mistakes that hold women back from feeling better in their body, and how to avoid them.
  • Practical tools, strategies and perspectives to help you feel good in your body.

What you get:

  • 40 minute training video.
  • Full copy of the slide pack featured in the training.

You will get the following files:
  • MP4 (51MB)
  • PDF (468KB)

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