E-course: Body Comparisons
How To Escape The Body Comparison Trap
Comparing your body can literally sap the joy from your life, or as Theodore Roosevelt said, "Comparison is the thief of joy."
This session is for you if:
• You constantly compare your body to others, and it’s making you miserable.
• You’ve tried to stop the comparisons, but you just can’t help yourself
• Comparing your body makes you want to ‘fix’ or hide whatever you don’t like about your appearance.
• You compare yourself favorably to others to feel better about yourself, but the feeling doesn't last.
In this session, you’ll learn:
• Why comparison is hard-wired into us but doesn’t always serve our best interests in the modern world.
• About the compare and despair cycle, and how appearance-based industries use it to their advantage.
• Why being judgmental of other peoples’ bodies is just as unhealthy as judging your own.
• Strategies and perspectives to help you manage comparisons and move out of the comparison trap.
What you'll get:
- 30 minute training video
- PDF copy of the slide pack featured in the session.